Anxiety and Stress

Anxiety and Stress

Anxiety and Stress is one of the hardest things that the modern generation faces.It is stifling and exhausting the present generation to a great extent. Their mind issimmering with worries created by external factors like work, environment,natural disasters, the collapse of the economy due to recession, terrorism, war,insecurity and it seems there is no conclusion to […]

Anxiety and Stress is one of the hardest things that the modern generation faces.
It is stifling and exhausting the present generation to a great extent. Their mind is
simmering with worries created by external factors like work, environment,
natural disasters, the collapse of the economy due to recession, terrorism, war,
insecurity and it seems there is no conclusion to the number of things to worry
about. Many of the things mentioned our not under our control, but still, it takes a
great toll on our anxiety level. Anxiety & Stress is co-related and does not
completely evolve out of the circumstances mentioned. Research points out that
minds that are prone to a lot of anxiety & stress tend to return to it at the slightest

For some people worrying about small and big events in life become a habit. Such
kind of people, fall into a mindset of worry and stress for silly reasons. They fall
prey to this net of stressful thinking without being fully aware of the health
hazards due to it. It slowly engulfs their life and become a habit. In such
conditions it is very important to stop worrying and start living.

Symptoms & Diagnosis

  • Accelerated heartbeat called Palpitation
  • Sweating
  • Shaking or Trembling
  • Feeling shortness of breath or smothering
  • Chest pain and discomfort in the chest area
  • Nausea and abdominal distress
  • Dizziness, unsteadiness, faint or feel lightheaded
  • Depersonalization or feel detached from oneself
  • There is a feeling of losing control of oneself or going crazy
  • Fear of dying
  • Numbness or tingling sensation
  • Hot flashes or chills

Reasons & Causes

Main root cause for anxiety is stress

The main reasons of stress are –

  • Stress arising out of career. It is one of the primary reasons of stress.
  • In this world of consumerism we tend to be over-demanding.


  • Alcohol addicts and those who consume alcohol are more exposed to anxiety
  • related disorders
  • Those who have weak nervous system due to irregular habits
  • Way of thinking and mindset


You should cultivate an attitude – 90 % of the things we fret on, NEVER ACTUALLY

How Can Stress be busted?

  • Stress can be controlled and pacified by dealing with problems and not
  • running away from it.
  • Get guidance and discuss problems with friends and family.
  • Don’t give too much attention and interest to problems, thinking too much on
  • it, gives you stress and destroys your health.

Ayurvedic Treatment & other alternative measures to control Anxiety.

According to Ayurvedic perspective, anxiety is the result of imbalance in Vata. So,
the primary step is to control vata.
Panchakarma: It is prescribed for rejuvenation and to detoxify the body.
Ashwagandha: is famous anti-depressant without any side effects.
Almond Milk: Reduces stress
Pudina: Drinking pudina tea twice daily will help in reducing stress
Almonds: It is considered as a good brain tonic. Taking 4 almonds daily before
going to bed will relax you.
Having warm foods, vegetable soups with ginger and pepper will reduce stress

Other Measures

Yoga: Doing yoga relieves stress and anxiety. Meditation calms the mind and
aasanas relaxes the muscles.
Pranayama: Gives you relaxation and helps in oxidization of the cells.
Massage: A warm oil massage helps in releasing toxins from the body.
Laughter Therapy: If there is laughter club near, join it as it is highly beneficial as
stress reliever.
Listen to Classical Music: Music reduces stress in great deal.
Renunciation: Try to be satisfied with what you have, it itself will bring great
Organize your life: If you are organized, then half the problem is over and will
give you great confidence.

#anxiety #Stress

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