JWAR (FEVER) – An Ayurveda approach

Herbal Treatment for Fever Ayurveda, an ancient healing system refers fever as jwara, a condition in which thebody condition goes beyond the normal temperature and is characterized bydisturbance in normal functioning of the system. Ayurveda believes that it is due to disruption of any one or all the doshas or energyfields within the body system and if not attended immediately […]

Herbal Treatment for Fever

Ayurveda, an ancient healing system refers fever as jwara, a condition in which the
body condition goes beyond the normal temperature and is characterized by
disturbance in normal functioning of the system.

Ayurveda believes that it is due to disruption of any one or all the doshas or energy
fields within the body system and if not attended immediately might damage other
parts of the body. It classifies fever in to eight types which ranges from internal to
external to parasitic to seasonal and mental and that if the fever chapter is
completed then half of treatment is over. The main symptoms of fever are a raise in
body temperature, chilly, sore throat, body stiffness, muscle aches,
headache, disturbed digestion, lack of appetite etc. Improper agni (digestive fire)
leads to indigestion resulting in ama (toxins) which block the channels in the body
which further leads to the blocking of the fire in different tissues resulting in fever.


Fever according to ayurveda occurs when the digestive fire (Agni) and digestive
toxins (ama) which are normally found within the gastrointestinal tract are thrown
out of their place by disrupted doshas and then they overflow into the blood and
lymphatic system. Its circulation in the body causes the typical symptoms like high 
temperature, heaviness etc. Because of this the tridoshas are further irritated and it
spreads throughout the blood stream. When supplemented with its own heat plus
the heat of the misplaced agni, the temperature of the body raises can cause
the symptoms of fever. During a high body temperature, Ayurveda suggests to
have a cold sponging, an easily digestible liquid diet and a complete rest.


Ayurveda, a holistic medical system, emphasis that fever is due to toxicity in the
rasa dhatu (the body’s basic vital tissue) and manages fever by:

Fasting (langhana), Sudation (swedana), Time-Waiting/Patience (kala), Light diet
(yavagu), Bitter drugs (tikta bheshajam) and Detoxification (ama pachana). Fasting – Strengthens the digestive system and eliminates ama which in turn cleans the
channels in the body. Strong person can fast whereas weak persons can take up a 
light diet. A lot of liquid diet like vegetable soups or just hot ginger water which

alleviates the aggravated dosha and increases the appetite should be taken.
Sweating – One can drink a simple spicy tea to induce sweat or he can be covered
with a blanket so that he is made to sweat as this process clears toxins, raises the
body temperature that kills the virus and normalizes the body temperature. Light
Diet- After the body achieves the normal temperature he should take three meals
upon a well balanced/ light diet of fresh fruits and raw/lightly cooked vegetable
according to his age. Bitter Ayurvedic drugs – Burns ama, increases the white blood
cell count which help the body to fight infections.

Commonly used medicines are Dasamoola kaduthryam qwath, Amruthothram
qwath, Indukantham qwath, Dhanwantharam qwath, Amrutharishta,
Sudarsanasava, Dasmoolarishta, Vettumaran tablet, Gorochanadi tablet,
gopichandanadi tablet, sooryprabha tablet, Sirasooladi vajra rasam, laxmi vilas
rasam, ananda bhairava ras, etc.

After fever the patient is advised to undergo a Detoxification (mild purgative regime – Panchakarma) treatment as it expels remaining ama and strengthens the
digestive system.

Then he undergoes a preventive regime which will reduce the chances of
reoccurrence of fever. Thus Ayurveda management of fever is done by restoring
the agni (fire) in the body and enhancing the proper metabolism.

It also suggests yogasanas like suryasana and matsyasana to be practiced to pacify
the aggravated pitta dosha which is the root cause of fever and meditation helps to
deal with fever with a balanced and clarify of mind.


  1. Drink as much water as you can in order to replace fluid loss. 
    It will also help to bring down body temperature.
  2. Take adequate rest.
  3. Avoid eating solid foods until the fever is gone. You can replace the foods by
    drinking plenty of distilled water and/or juices.
  4. Put ice cubes on your forehead and put your feet in warm water.
  5. If the person is sleeping don’t wake him up to give medicines or to take the
    temperature, sleeping is more important.
  6. Always consult with a doctor before giving medications to the patient.
  7. The patient needs full physical examination that will include a detailed
    evaluation of the skin, eyes, ears, throat, neck and abdomen to look for the
    causes of fever.

#Ayurveda #Fever #Herbal Treatment #JWAR

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